Category Archives: Frugal Fun

Apples About to Go Bad?


I don’t know about you, but when Aldi’s had their apples on sale for 49 cents a pound, I went a little crazy.  My kids love apples especially with peanut butter dipping sauce.   Well, as much as my kids eat apples, we didn’t exactly go through them all and they are starting to go bad.   What better idea than to make applesauce keep this deal from going to waste.

I found this delicious recipe here at   Its one of my favorite spots to find a recipe quick.

Updating Website


I am going to apologize now.  My posts will be few until later this evening as I am trying  to work through some fun website updating issues.  Really, I am taking my computer to a secluded dungeon where I am performing illegal torture techniques in order to get it to do what I need it to do.  Thanks for your patience.

Helpful Hint for Target Shopping!


There is nothing like making a trip to a store for a great deal to find the shelves empty.  What a waste on gas!   Thankfully, at Target you don’t have to waste gas.  Before walking out the door, you can check Target’s inventory at  All you need to do is type in the desired product’s name into the Target’s search bar.  Click on the product’s image or quick info button.  Then a “find in store” button will come up (usually near image of the product).  Click on the button and enter in your zip code or city/state.  It will bring up the stores in your area and list if the product is “in-stock,” “out of stock,” or “limited stock.”

There is nothing like getting a deal and saving on gas!  I have done this plenty of times.  It even helps me to find the Target location that has all the items I am looking to buy.  Hope this helps you save on gas and get a great deal!  Happy Shopping!

*Note:  Walmart’s website also does this.

Day 2 Turkey Leftovers


Melissa  d'Arabian

Today, I take a recipe from the Food Network Star Melissa D’Arabian.  I love her show “10 Dollar Dinners.”  Its such a smart, practical show for the frugal.   She is so inventive and still frugal with her recipes.   Follow her recipes and you will never be bored of your menu.  She actually did a special on Turkey leftovers that really impressed me, Turkey Taquitos with cranberry salsa.  Go here to check it out.

Wichita Parent Calendar!


Nothing I love more than bringing you a useable resource on free to cheap family friendly events for all you parents here in Wichita.   December is a wonderful time of the year for families, and Wichita is no different.  There is going to be lots to do all month long.   Most events are free with some only requesting donations.   Go see lovely light displays throughout Wichita.  There are fun, free art activities for the whole family all month long at the Wichita Art Museum, and don’t forget Winter Wednesday starts with admission to the Zoo only $2.50 every Wednesday until the end of February.   Find this calendar anytime under Frugal Fun.  Look for January events coming soon!!

*Disclosure:  It must be said that I am human and therefore capable of making mistakes.  Please call and verify event information with the venue you are planning to attend to ensure accuracy of admission prices, date, time and location.

Presents with a Year of Fun


The best presents are the presents that are jam packed full of a year of fun, and there are very few gifts that hold this quality.   A video game….might last a week to a month for the average gaming addict.   That expensive talking puppy that is not bedtime cuddly…hmmm, maybe as long as the first two sets of batteries last (which considering your kid doesn’t know where the off button is probably a month).   Well, you get the point.   Children can tear through the fun of most toys in very little time.  Come the end of January when you are still broke from Christmas, you will be a little frustrated with your bored children.

Let me help you prevent this by suggesting the idea of memberships to your local zoo and/or children museums as Christmas presents.  These memberships have great value.   For usually under a $100, a family of four or five can visit anytime of the year while enjoying free memberships or discounted memberships to other zoos and museums across the country.   Talk about a cheap weekend vacation several times a year.  You can zoom over to another city for a weekend of fun with just the cost of gas, food, cheap to free admission to lots of fun places and lodging.

Frugal doesn’t mean boredom.  It means wise decisions on how to make your kid’s memories chalk full of wonderful experiences.  I mean they have a room full of toys anyway.   Why not give them life experiences instead?

These links below will take you to Zoos and Children’s museums that include discounted to free admission to other participating venues with their family year memberships.

Most AZA accredited zoos and aquariums offer family memberships that include discounted to free admission to other AZA zoos and aquariums.   The link below will take you to the AZA website that will help you find an AZA zoo or aquarium in your area.

Many Children museums and science centers belong to the Associate of Science-Technology Centers (ATSC) which has a passport program for free admission or deeply discounted admission to all participating museums and science centers for anyone who has a membership with any ATSC.   To look for a list a participating museums in your area, see the link below.

Don’t count the Botantical Gardens out either.  Until this year, I didn’t see any value in getting a membership to our local botanical gardens.  However, they added a wonderful children’s garden that makes it a great value for our family.   With a treehouse to climb and explore, an adorable sand box, interactive musical sculptures, and wonderful characters spread throughout, our new addition to the Botantica in Wichita gives many afternoons of fun for the whole family.   They also include in their yearly membership free to discounted admission to over 200 Botanical gardens and arboretums across the country. See the link below for more information on a membership to Botanica or look for a botanical gardens in your area.

Day 1 Turkey Leftovers


So you spent two days cooking Thanksgiving dinner and desserts and all night plus this morning shopping Black Friday?  The last thing on your mind is cooking dinner and you already ate a cold turkey sandwich for lunch.   Well, I’ve got the perfect solution, Turkey noodle soup.

1 carrot chopped

2-3 celery stalks chopped

1 onion chopped

1/2 teaspoon of salt

4 cups of turkey stock (Just throw those turkey bones and juices into a pot of water and let it simmer a couple of hours.  Then drain and pour stock into soup. Okay really, just be lazy and pull out the cans of chicken broth.)

4 cups of water

1lb of Turkey left overs chopped or 2 cups

1 bay leaf

6 oz of noodles

Place all items in the crock pot on low except the noodles.  Come back in six to eight hours to add the noodles and remove the bay leaf.  Come back in thirty or until noodles are tender and eat up.  If you want a creamier version, add a can of cream of mushroom in place of one cup of water.

Nothing like a warm bowl of soup to end the day.    Haha, who are we kidding?  Pass me a slice of pumpkin pie!